

Are You Prepared? (3)

Are You Prepared? (3)

Greg King


     When you think about the brevity of life in comparison to eternity it is truly a tragedy when preparation is not made. Jesus speaks to the tragedy of being unprepared in the parable of the ten virgins (Mat. 25:1-13). The ten virgins were to attend a wedding. They were to accompany the bridegroom. Five of these were wise because they took extra oil for their lamps, and five were foolish because they took no extra oil.  At midnight they were told the bridegroom was coming. The five foolish virgins then tried to borrow oil from the five wise virgins, but the five wise virgins would not loan the oil because they had just enough for their own lamps. The five foolish virgins went out to buy oil, but while they were gone the bridegroom came. Those who were ready accompanied him to the marriage. Later the five who had gone out to get oil arrived, but the door was shut. They were too late. They were unable to gain entrance.

     We are warned over and over again in scripture of the need to be prepared. Paul states in 2 Corinthians 6:2, “ is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” In John 9:4, our Lord said, ”I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work.”

     Are you prepared for the Judgment Day?  I must tell you the truth. If you die or the Lord comes back and you are not a faithful Christian, then the Bible teaches that you will spend eternity in Hell (Revelation 20:15). Some will be offended by that statement, but it is the truth. Not my words but God’s. If you have not put your faith in Jesus Christ (John 8:24) or been willing to repent (Luke 13:3) or confess Him before others Romans (10:9-10), and if you have not been baptized for the forgiveness of your sins (Acts 2:38), then you will NOT make it to Heaven! Again, not my words but God’s.

     If you are not a Christian, you ought to be, and you can be. All you must do is obey God. Just simply do what HE says. Not what you think or feel. Your eternal destination depends on it. You may not have a tomorrow.  Ask yourself this question; "If I were to die today where would I spend eternity? Are you prepared?