

What Are You Looking For?

What Are You Looking For?

Greg King


     Recently I have seen a few posts on social media community chatter asking for recommendations concerning a church. One in particular stated their lack of knowledge about the Bible and wanted others to recommend a church to attend. As you can imagine the recommendations poured in. The choices that exist with regards to churches is astonishing. I begin to wonder, “why don’t we read of all of these churches in the Bible?”. The answer is because they didn’t exist. Jesus only promised to build one (Matthew 16:18). He promised to build His church. When Paul wrote to the Ephesians, he confirmed the promise of Jesus by saying that there is “one body” (Ephesians 4:5). He tells us that Christ is the “head of the body, the church” (Ephesians 1:22-23). One head and one body. Not one head and many bodies. Meaning, there is one organization that is accepted by God and that is the one built by Christ. It follows the direction of the head.

     Not everyone is looking for the same thing. Some are looking for a church that will satisfy their social and recreational desires. They are looking for fun, food, games, and entertainment. Some are looking for help whether it be financial or trying to save a relationship. Some want to build a relationship with God but not at the expense of giving up some particular sin in their life. They simply want to feel good about themselves. The choices of churches today is endless. You can find just about any practice or teaching you want to be involved in.

     When we read our Bible, we see that local churches were established for the purpose of teaching God's word, saving souls and strengthening the members.  When a group of Christians make up a church, they do not have to wonder what God wants of them. The lives they are to live, the organizational arrangement they are to have, the doctrine they are to teach, the collective work that they are to do are all clearly defined
in the New Testament. From God’s word we find out what a congregation of God's people is supposed to be, to teach, and to do.

     Look for a church that respects the sovereignty of God and the authority of Jesus Christ (Colossians 3:17). Look for a church that respects the Bible as the inspired word of God, and the gospel as the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1:16). Look for a church that strives to be like the churches you can read about in the New Testament - in name, in worship, in organization, in teaching and in work (I Thessalonians 2:14). Look for a church that is concerned about lost souls and eternal destinies (Matthew 28:19-20). Look for a church that ministers to the spiritual needs of men. It is the soul of man that will live forever (Ephesians 4:11-16).

     My prayer is that you will look for the right things!