The All Sufficiency of The Gospel (3)
The All Sufficiency of The Gospel (3)
Greg King
Along with being perfect the gospel is powerful. In Romans 1:16 Paul points out the fact that the gospel is the “power” of God. The word “power” in the text is from the greek word “dunamis”. This is the word from which we get the words “dynamic”, “dynamo”, and “dynamite”. Therefore, the Gospel is dynamic; it is God’s dynamo or dynamite unto salvation. It is the mighty plan by which God exerts His power in the salvation of mankind. It is God’s plan, not the device of man. Galatians 1:11-12 states, “For I would have you know, brothers, that the gospel that was preached by me is not man's gospel. For I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ.”
It never ceases to amaze me that people believe God’s power to create but question His power to deliver and preserve His word for us. They take issue and question what is revealed not realizing they are doubting God’s power to communicate His will for us through the word. It should be remembered that the gospel of Christ is God’s power “unto salvation”; that is unto a complete deliverance from sin and death and results in ultimate salvation in Heaven. If I desire to save souls, I should preach and teach the same gospel that Paul preached, because the short of it is there is no power that can save man from sin like the power of the gospel. The writer of Hebrews in chapter 4:12 tells us that it “is quick, powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword.” Those that heard the gospel in Acts 2:37 were cut to the heart by its power and were told to repent and be baptized. We can believe and understand that His word is powerful but unless I obey it, its power can do me no good. (Mat. 7:21)